Remembering your baby after miscarriage: Pregnancy loss memorial ideas Memorial ideas for honoring your baby’s life after miscarriage, stillbirth, or other forms of pregnancy loss …
A story from the trenches (Because you don’t need an ‘expert’ when you’re suffering) When you are suffering you don’t need an expert. You certainly don’t need false promises that XYZ will…
Umm… pinch me. I’m having a baby! (On becoming a writer, Part I) Spoiler alert: I’m having a book baby, not a Booker baby. Those two little letters—“er”—make a big difference!…
Among the fields of gold (Losing my baby in Italy) July 5, 2014: The following is an account of my second miscarriage, which began in Italy and was completed…
How to help and care for a friend after miscarriage or stillbirth Grief is complicated and clumsy According to Dr. Erica Berman, “Research consistently finds that women who have experienced…
Dear pregnant woman on the playground (With love from a baby-loss mom) Dear pregnant woman on the playground, I’m sorry if you noticed me staring at you today. I hope…