Tethered: Exploring grief & loss, faith & doubt, wholeness & hope. $25. 40+ sessions. On demand. No expiration.

Here’s the thing: I don’t understand those magical creatures that enjoy selling stuff. And I’m aware that any time I write you and say, “hey! I made this for you!” people unsubscribe. (I try not to take it personally, but I admit I sometimes get gun-shy.)
I’ve tried the telepathy method and it hasn’t really worked either. So instead I do normal things like sending you an email. (Let me know if you’ve cracked telepathy and can teach me. I’m keen.)
Here’s my pitch: We’ve marked Tethered down for a flash sale and I really hope you’ll take us up on the offer. It’s $25 bucks for 40+ sessions. Buy it now; watch it any time. (Sessions do not expire so you can go at your own pace.)
Two reasons I want you to buy this: 1) The content is truly amazing and I want more people to have it, more people to meet these wise, compassionate speakers, and more people to be equipped to stay tethered to hope when life is hard; and 2) Creating something that doesn’t go through a publisher or middle man helps feed my family and pay the rent while I keep writing. Both of these reasons are important to me. In that order.
So this is me. Trying to sell you something. Buy the All Access Pass. And if you have questions, I probably answered them here.
Honestly, the only reason I can even say “you should buy this” so plainly is because I genuinely think you should.
Who is Tethered for? Humans. Humans who need space to learn and talk about life, faith, grief, doubt, crisis, identity, healing, relationships, community, tending to our bodies, mental and emotional health, nurturing our spirits, caring for our souls, spiritual formation, discipleship, being loved and loving others, seeking shalom, meeting Jesus. So yeah, Tethered is for humans. You. It’s for you.
I made it for you. (And your loved ones.)
Persist in hope,
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