I’m blushing… and extremely grateful

Can I just simply say “thank you”? 

Thank you for your kindness and generosity in the comments you left yesterday. And thank you for filling up my inbox with even more personal stories.

I’m completely humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude. No, actually, I’m blown away. Dumbfounded. I really am.

i know you’ve been going through levi-withdrawals…
i thought this photo could fit with this post.
enjoy the massive cuteness factor.

The question in my mind hasn’t been, “Should I end this blog?” (I enjoy it way too much to completely end it). But rather, “Is this blog serving the purpose I hope it to serve?” And, even more importantly, “Are my priorities still in tact the way I’d like them to be?” 

If I had any doubt at all about how to answer those questions… you’ve cleared that up for me. Thanks for responding to my somewhat pathetic cry for help in the form feedback and encouragement in your comments and emails. I needed it.

And, truly, it means so much to me.

I’ve also been incredibly surprised by the responses from people who I have never met (even “met” online) and/or who I had no idea even followed along with what I write. To know who some of you are is also wonderful – and truly, I’ve not enjoyed reading emails (and facebook messages) so much in a very long time. Thanks for coming out and “revealing” yourself. I hope we can get to know each other better.

As promised, Moms Who Work will return tomorrow with an awesome post by “Queenie” from The Planet Pink about being a studying mom. Queenie is a fabulous writer (turned real-life friend of mine) and I assure you it will have been worth the wait. I’m so proud of this series and the discussion and buzz it’s generated around the issues facing hard-working moms… and I can’t wait to resume it. We’ve just a few more posts left and then I’ll be shifting gears into more of a variety again. (I know, you’re missing the cute photos of my koala aren’t you? I’ll fix that… I promise will.) 

Again, thanks for your kindness and support. I love that this little blog means something to you. It means something to me too. 

And for the record, I’m okay with the fact that life is sometimes hard. Sometimes in the moment I moan and complain and feel sorry for myself… but looking at the big picture there’s no doubt in my mind that the struggle also produces a strength that makes the sweetness of life so much sweeter. So… we soldier on, right ladies? We soldier on. 

I’m saying a prayer for you tonight – friends who I know and those who I don’t. (It’s a prayer of blessing and of thanksgiving.) Please say one for me too… if you’re the praying type. Good solutions and mending of fences are often not quick and easy. They require a bit of sacrifice and perseverance, humility and faith. But that’s not to say that things are out of reach or beyond repair. It’s my firm conviction that life is never beyond the reach of Grace. (I’m being vague again, aren’t I? Dang it, sorry. I’ll stop there.) But yes, I’m comforted by your prayers.

Thanks again friends… for everything. I love doing motherhood in community – both here in my hometown with moms I can sit and talk with face-to-face… as well as “out there” across the magic of blogs and emails and virtual connections.

Now go ahead and stop with the super nice comments and emails before I get a big head.

hugs right back at ya,
Adriel xx x

adriel booker | the mommyhood memos | 2010 
do not reproduce without written permission

About Author

Adriel Booker is an author, speaker, and advocate based in Sydney, Australia who believes storytelling, beauty, and the grace of God will change the world. Adriel has become a trusted voice in areas of motherhood and parenting, Christian spirituality, and global women's issues. She's also known for her work with the Love A Mama Collective—serving under-resourced women in developing nations through safe birth initiatives—as well as her years spent as a Bible teacher and leadership coach. Her latest book is Grace Like Scarlett: Grieving with Hope after Miscarriage and Loss and she's made the companion grief journal available for free. Find Adriel across all social media platforms at @adrielbooker or sign up for LoveNotes, Adriel's 'secret posts' that aren't published anywhere else online. ✌️


  • flyrish
    22 September 2010 at 10:40 pm

    One thing I forgot to mention in the comments below is how generous I think you are with your blog. While of course you are doing it for your enjoyment, you're also giving so much to other moms out there. It's really admirable.

  • Getrealmommy
    23 September 2010 at 3:14 am

    Yay! Glad you got a little boost! You deserve it!

  • Laura Elliott
    25 September 2010 at 10:39 am

    Hi Adriel
    Your head might just get a bit bigger as I have to say how much I love your blog! Your recent series on mom's that work has been nothing short of inspirational and has helped me in many ways.

    I am glad you have received so many comments and messages as you truly deserve them.

  • Emily
    29 September 2010 at 8:35 am

    🙂 Motherhood in community – I love that. I may have to do a post about that (with crediting you of course)

    Prayers are being sent. I know the feeling well. Some days can just get so heavy.


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